PACKS – Melt The Honey

Released: January 19th, 2023


When it came to writing and recording Melt the Honey Madeline Link, aka PACKS, and her band, Dexter Nash (guitar), Noah O’Neil (bass) and Shane Hooper (drums) decamped to Mexico and continued a communal endeavour that’s worked since her Take the Cake mini album of 2021. The result maintains some familiar features, the country/indie rock slacker vibes and intimate feel are present.

Title song Honey has a disarming lo-fi charm. Generally, the songs sound happier too, the scuzz of drawling Pearly Whites aside. Overall production quality, vocally, has always been hit and miss sometimes to the song’s detriment and it’s the same here but at least the melodies and textures linger in the brain longer encouraging repeated listens.

Post Author: Burn It Up