Hilary Woods – Acts of Light

Released: November 3rd, 2023


Acts of Light, Woods’ third full-length record, is a collection of experimental sonic excavations. The instant you press play you’re transported elsewhere, jolted into a subterranean space where sounds resonate up close, disquieting and wild. The feeling of being in an alive, ever-changing scenery is somewhat unsettling. The expanse of one’s listening is continually warped Wife Mother Love Crow features rustlings, and whispers layered over drones, like most tracks. Where the Bough Has Broken pulses and creeps slowly and the title track pushes its tendrils and textures out of the shadows briefly.

Choirs, hypnotic dirges, strings, and synths all ebb and flow into the consciousness. This is the soundtrack of rituals. They’re masterful and almost forlorn compositions crafted with restraint and etched with enormous care.


Post Author: Burn It Up